.. _ref-usage: ===== Usage ===== Creating a handler ------------------ To manipulate resources (Users, Wallets, etc.) from this api you will have to instanciate a new handler which is basically a connection authentification. To create a new handler, you have to provide several parameters. ``API_PARTNER_ID`` .................. This is the partner identifier used by mangopay_ to identify you. ``API_PRIVATE_KEY`` ................... This is the certificat used in each requests. ``API_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD`` ............................ This is the password linked to the certificat. ``API_HOST`` ............ The host used to call the API. We will see later when you are creating a new handler you can choose between multiple environment hosts already registered. Let's get to work, we will create our first handler with the sandbox host :: private_key = '/path/to/the/private/key/file' partner_id = 'dummy' private_key_password = '$ecret' from leetchi.api import LeetchiAPI handler = LeetchiAPI(partner_id, private_key, private_key_password, sandbox=True) Now we have a new handler which is using the `sanbox host`_. If you are not specifying that you are using the `sandbox host`_ nor an existing host, it will use the `production host`_. Specific host for mangopay_ endpoint :: handler = LeetchiAPI(partner_id, private_key, private_key_password, host='http://dummy.api.prod.leetchi.com') Using resources --------------- To manipulate resources, this library is heavily inspired from peewee_, so every operations will be like manipulating a ORM. For required parameters you have to refer to the `reference api`_. Users ..... Creating a new user :: from leetchi.resources import User from datetime import date user = User(first_name='Florent', last_name='Messa', email='florent@dummy.host', ip_address='', tag='new user', birthday=date.today(), nationality='FR') user.save(handler) # save the new user print user.get_pk() # retrieve the primary key Retrieving an existing user :: user = User.get(1) print user.first_name # Florent Detecting user that does not exist :: try: user = User.get(2, handler) except User.DoesNotExist: print 'The user 2 does not exist' Wallets ....... Affecting a wallet to an existing user :: user = User.get(1, handler) from leetchi.resources import Wallet wallet = Wallet(tag='wallet for user n.1', name='Florent Messa wallet', description='A new wallet for Florent Messa', raising_goal_amount=1200, users=[user]) wallet.save(handler) # save the new wallet print wallet.get_pk() # 1 Retrieving all wallets for an existing user :: user = User.get(1, handler) wallet_list = user.wallet_set By default all amount are in centimes but this library provides an helper to quickly convert an amount to a readable one :: print wallet.raising_goal_amount # 1200 print wallet.raising_goal_amount_converted # 12.00 Contributions ............. A contribution a the only way to put money on a wallet, with the `mangopay`_ API you can also put money a user wallet. Creating a new contribution for a dedicated wallet :: from leetchi.resources import Contribution, Wallet, User user = User.get(1, handler) wallet = Wallet.get(1, handler) contribution = Contribution(user=user, wallet=wallet, amount=1000, return_url='http://my-website/back-url', client_fee_amount=0) contribution.save(handler) print contribution.is_success() # False print contribution.is_succeeded # False print contribution.is_completed # False Creating a new contribution for a personal wallet :: contribution = Contribution(user=user, wallet=0, amount=1000, return_url='http://my-website/back-url', client_fee_amount=0) contribution.save(handler) Transfers ......... Creating a transfer from a personal wallet to another wallet :: from leetchi.resources import User, Transfer, Wallet user = User.get(1, handler) beneficiary = User.get(2, handler) beneficiary_wallet = Wallet.get(2, handler) transfer = Transfer(payer=user, beneficiary=beneficiary, payer_wallet_id=0, beneficiary_wallet=beneficiary_wallet, amount=1000) transfer.save(handler) print transfer.get_pk() # 1 beneficiary_wallet = Wallet.get(2, handler) print beneficiary_wallet.collected_amount # 1000 Transfer refunds ................ If you want to cancel a transfer and move back the money from one wallet to another :: from leetchi.resources import TransferRefund, Transfer, User user = User.get(1, handler) transfer = Transfer.get(1, handler) transfer_refund = TransferRefund(user=user, transfer=transfer) wallet = transfer.beneficiary_wallet print wallet.collected_amount # 1000 print wallet.remaining_amount # 0 print user.personal_wallet_amount # 1000 Refunds ....... If you want to refund a contribution and move back the money from a wallet to a credit card account :: from leetchi.resources import Contribution, User, Refund user = User.get(1, handler) contribution = Contribution.get(1, handler) refund = Refund(contribution=contribution, user=user) refund.save(handler) Operations .......... Retrieving all operations for a dedicated user :: from leetchi.resources import User user = User.get(1, handler) operation_list = user.operation_set .. _mangopay: http://www.mangopay.com/ .. _sandbox host: http://api.prod.leetchi.com .. _production host: http://api.prod.leetchi.com .. _peewee: https://github.com/coleifer/peewee .. _reference api: http://www.mangopay.com/api-references/